Welcome 2017

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Wow. 2016 was quite the year. Not only did a lot of stuff happen, but a lot of BIG stuff happened. So as we say goodbye to one year and welcome another I’m sighing with relief, smiling over the fond memories, reflecting on all of the lessons I’ve learned, and getting excited for all the new experiences and opportunities to come!

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My Goal for 2016

My Goal for 2016

Like many people right now, I’ve started thinking of a goal for the coming year. A resolution to improve myself in order to improve the world. I’ve had one idea rolling around in my head for the past few months which I think is my goal for 2016: To become a woman of God. As of right now, I’m not really sure what that means. In fact, that’s what I plan to figure out: What does it mean to be a woman of God, and how do I become one?

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